Sorana Cernea

  • Member of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors (CAFR)We speak your language: German speaking Advisors at every office in East Europe

  • Member of the Chamber of Fiscal Consultants in Romania (CCFR)

  • Member of the Romanian Association of Chartered and Certified Accountants (CECCAR)

  • Member of the National Union of Insolvency Practitioners in Romania (UNPIR)

  • Speaker, Specialised Author

  • German Desk Partner for all Romanian offices

Graduate and postgraduate degrees in Economics, continuous professional development acknowledged by the qualifications held, as well as more than 20 years of professional activity, shape the profile of a specialist in accounting and tax advisory. Sorana’s passion for her profession, consistency and determination to achieve high quality standards within the field of work help her on a daily basis to successfully coordinate the team of professionals that she has been forming since 2004 and to meet customers’ expectations.

The customers that Sorana manages carry out activities in various fields, of which the most important are: industrial and agricultural production, retail and provision of services.

Most of the customers’ representatives are German-speaking persons and Sorana’s ability to speak fluently German considerably facilitates the communication with them.

Lately, Sorana delivered several presentations on tax topics within the events organized by the Commercial Counsellor of the Austrian Embassy in Bucharest and the German Speaking Business Club from Northern Transylvania (DWNT).



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