Claudia Bratu

  • Partner at TPA Romania

  • Auditor in Bucharest

  • Member of the Association of the Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK

  • Member of the Romanian Chamber of Financial Auditors (CAFR)

Claudia Bratu joined TPA Romania audit practice in 2006 after the commencement of her career in 2003 at a Big 4 public accounting firm in Mexico City. Over the years, Claudia Bratu has been an outstanding contributor to the development of the Audit & Advisory practice of TPA Romania.

The Romanian auditor has many years of experience in external and internal audit, financial and business consulting across various industries, including: Construction, Real Estate, Transportation& Logistics, Business Process Outsourcing, Agriculture, Pharma, Trade, Retail, Manufacturing, Mining, European Funding.  The auditor in Bucharest has strong knowledge and extensive experience on Romanian Accounting Standards (RAS) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Claudia Bratu stands out for her professional ethics and integrity values, adding to the engagements good understanding of clients’ needs and consistent focus on the quality of work.

CV Claudia-BratuTPA_Romania audit

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