Daniela Zar

  • Tax Advisor at TPA Romania

  • Member of the Romanian Chamber of Fiscal Consultants (CCFR)

  • Fellow Member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (FCCA), UK

  • Speaker, workshop trainer & author

Tax Partner Daniela Zar has many years of experience in tax advisory services and currently leads the tax practice of TPA in Romania. She has managed numerous projects including mergers & acquisitions, tax reviews, business restructuring and assistance provided during tax audits carried out by the authorities. The clients to whom the tax advisor in Romania provides advice operate in various business sectors including real estate, manufacturing, retail, automotive and logistics.

The tax expert acts as speaker at various business events and delivers specialised training courses to clients. Also, she is involved in efforts by investors’ organisations (AmCham, AHK etc.) to develop the Romanian fiscal environment.

Languages: English, Romanian


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