György Jakab

  • Auditor & Partner at TPA Hungary

  • Member of the Chamber of Hungarian Auditors

György Jakab joined the TPA Group in 1993 when the TPA tax & audit office in Budapest was found.

His consulting expertise includes: Auditing (Austrian HGB, IAS, IFRS), Special audits (corporate formation and reorganisation reviews), Audit of consolidated financial statements (CFS), Due Diligence, Corporate acquisitions and disposals consulting and leasing.

Language skills: Hungarian, English



Study: Labor Costs in Central and Southeast Europe…

The 1×1 of Real Estate Taxation – Austria

Sustainability Report 2022 – TPA Group

We support success. In Europe. And worldwide.

Study: How expensive is work? Country comparison

Report: Onshore wind energy

Real Estate investments in CEE/SEE

Real Estate Services in CEE/SEE

IFRS Update and Checkliste

What’s new in Taxation of Polish Real Estate Marke…