Juraj Tobák

  • Auditor | Partner at TPA Slovakia

  • Head of Digital Accounting in Košice

  • Member of Slovak Chamber of Auditors

Juraj Tobák is TPA’s partner for digital accounting, automation, external financial management and process optimization with a particular focus on e-commerce companies.

He has been working for more than 12 years in the fields of financial management, accounting and auditing for international clients and domestic SMEs with an international presence and active in e-commerce, SaaS, hospitality and tourism, manufacturing, trade and real estate.

He obtained his statutory auditor’s license in 2018 and is a member of the Slovak Chamber of Auditors.




Study: Labor Costs in Central and Southeast Europe…

The 1×1 of Real Estate Taxation – Austria

Sustainability Report 2022 – TPA Group

We support success. In Europe. And worldwide.

Study: How expensive is work? Country comparison

Report: Onshore wind energy

Real Estate investments in CEE/SEE

Real Estate Services in CEE/SEE

IFRS Update and Checkliste

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