Leopold Brunner

  • Tax Advisor & partner at TPA Austria

  • Member of the Management Team

  • Head of the Lilienfeld & St. Pölten Offices

  • Court recognised and certified expert

  • Specialised Author and Lecturer

Leopold Brunner specialises in the advising of small and medium-sized companies as well as professional service providers, in particular lawyers and partnerships of lawyers.

Further, he offers advice in all issues related to the foundation of companies and successors and to the organisation of legal forms as well as the reorganisation of companies.

Language Skills: German, English


Study: Labor Costs in Central and Southeast Europe…

The 1×1 of Real Estate Taxation – Austria

Sustainability Report 2022 – TPA Group

We support success. In Europe. And worldwide.

Study: How expensive is work? Country comparison

Report: Onshore wind energy

Real Estate investments in CEE/SEE

Real Estate Services in CEE/SEE

IFRS Update and Checkliste

What’s new in Taxation of Polish Real Estate Marke…